Well the school holidays are done and dusted, and we are back at the day in and day out routine of life during the school term.
Even if you don't have kids in school yet, the reality is that there are many pre-school activities that take a break during the holidays, and get back to action after this time.
And this roundabout of continuation of routine, the business of life, the mental load... these can all lead to Burnout.
Let's take a look at burnout!
Burnout is 'a condition characterised by intense exhaustion related to parenting, emotional distancing from one's children, and a loss of parental fulfilment' (Mikolojczak and Roskam, 2020).
In light of the hectic times that we saw with Covid in 2020, and in some places in the world are still seeing, this burnout of parents, who were expected to homeschool and work especially, it caused a huge increase in burnout.
Like me... some parents found the decrease in rushing around quite good... but I also as an essential worker, still carried on my work life, and just enjoyed the around work hours increased time with the kids.
However the resources at our fingertips can largely impact how we perceive burnout, and particularly there are specific risk factors:
1. Parents are at greater risk when they aim to be perfect parents.
2. If parents lack stress management abilities.
3. If they lack emotional or practical support from the co-parent or the social network more broadly.
4. Have poor child-rearing practices.
5. Have children with special needs that interfere with family lime
5. Work part-time or are stay at home parents.
This is all counteracted through resources however... For example (taken directly from the article),
Beth may be a perfectionist stay‐at‐home mother struggling with a young child with learning difficulties and a difficult adolescent, but she benefits from the support of her husband and her mother, and she has a hobby—painting—that helps her breathe out and take distance from parenting.
This highlights how it is the balance between risks and resources that help to prevent parental burnout, or alternatively, skew the parent towards burnout.
It is our job as Mama's to guard ourself securely, and to ask for help when needed. This is often much easier said than done... but none of want to end up at burnout.
It's my mission to help support you to avoid burnout, as the neurological consequences on sleep and function are massive, and can linger for a long time. Over the next few weeks we will be addressing core things you can do to prevent burnout.
Much Mama Love!
Dr Ali,
Chiro, Mama, Supporter of Women everywhere!
Mikolajczak m and Roskam I., "Parental burnout: Moving the focus from children to parents", New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2020, 174:7-13. Found Here
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