It's been pretty busy with the launch of my book and all of the awesomeness that goes with that. As part of that level of busy, and because I'm always going to physically be recovering from the chronic stress and burnout, my body has been sending me signals it needs to recalibrate.
This sits squarely into the Self-Nurture concept that we find in the month of May.
If we don't choose to show up for ourselves, who will?
And what are the signals?
Let me share them with you:
1. I began to find my coffee wasn't sitting right - it didn't give me my morning zing, I wanted more and more and more, and it really flattened me out sometimes (this is a sure sign my adrenals are stressed at the moment).
2. My sleep turned upside down. I pride myself on my sleep hygiene, and being able to sleep well is of great benefit. I found that I began waking between 2-4am again with my thoughts running away from me, a sure sign that my system was overloaded.
3. Sugar became my best friend. I'm not a massive sweet tooth, so when I feel this stepping in, it's an obvious sign that I need to recalibrate.
4. Snappiness. Yep... my tether has shortened. My ability to play with the kids, the lean into the experience and to show up with them not parallel beside them is affected, and this began to creep in a little. A big sign for me.
So what have I done about it?
I instigated all of the things that I teach in the Working Mama Reset. I've addressed my nutrition, I've looked at my sugar/caffeine intake.
I've begun to track my sleep hygiene practices - and reintroduce the ones that needed to happen again (coz you know, when I'm busy I just fall into bed, but clearly I need more support at the moment).
I've looked at my movement and I've dialled back some things and increased others.
I've navigated finding calm again, and consciously brought in stop points in my day to facilitate that.
It all sounds like a lot doesn't it ?!
It takes me back to the slow down challenge I did at the beginning of the year. I've basically curated my own slow down challenge for the next few weeks to recalibrate my system.
The hardest thing for me to get through the initial stages is the caffeine stop. I mean... who doesn't love coffee. Day 1 is generally ok, Day 2-3 I'm often bulk tired and cranky, and sometimes I get a headache. Then ironically I begin coming through the other side and emerge with more energy, zest and zing. Watch along on insta as i share this part of it all with you.
And if you want to stay in the loop, come and hang in the lounge, or jump onto the waitlist for the next mama reset.
Because there is nothing like community to get it done together!
Much Mama Love
Dr Ali
Mama, Chiro & Chief Recalibrator!
50% Complete
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