Working like a MOTHER!

Uncategorized Sep 09, 2021

This month you are going to see me dropping it like it's hot 😂😂, or at least working hard at getting some great support out there for all of the working mum's.

Here's a caveat, I think all mums work, so don't switch off if you feel you don't fit the MO. You will see some stat's starting to seep out this week about working mum's, particularly that:

1. 53.4% of mum's are actively in the workfoce

2. The Gender Pay Gap has widened in Australia this year to 14.2%

3. 55% of women report a weaker support system when they no longer work full time.

4. 70% of full time working women do all or most of the caregiving at home.


I mean it's no wonder that 39% of working mum's don't or can't prioritise physical activity. This month I'll be working on supporting your tribe, your tools, and your connection so you can feel that you can achieve a bit more balance. 

You are worth it. If you are lucky enough to be in The Motherhood - my membership group that is only $10/month, this month we have a masterclass with the awesome Donna Hann from She's in Business. She will be sharing how to balance well the mum life, the work life and the self-love life. I can't wait.

I am very excited to be bringing the reality of working mum life to the forefront, how the system makes it so hard for us, and how our values can really drive a shift.

This month will be epic. You can join the membership for only $10/month. You get more access to me, you get the masterclasses and Q and A and a heap of other stuff too.  A few podcast guests will probably blow your mind too!

Much mama Love!

Dr Ali,

Chiro, Mama and Lover of myself!


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