Uncategorized Sep 17, 2021

RU Ok day always stirs a shift inside of me? What about you?

I'm not sure if it came from wishing someone had asked me this when I was struggling through the first elements of new motherhood, of the times where I fully masked up and pretended to have all of the shit together.

Today I implore you to ask your neighbour, your friend, your tribe member, in fact even your healthcare provider or your mum... are you ok?

But are you really?

Is lockdown getting to the point where you aren't able to connect with people like you used to? Are you fearful of what this all might look like on the other side?

Are you worried you are stuck in stress mode and can't navigate how to move through this?

If you have any worries, reach out. I'll be the one answering emails and facebook comments, and I am totally here for you!

I really hope you are ok!

Much mama Love!

Dr Ali,

Chiro, Mama and Lover of myself!


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