What a big week it is... the awareness of supporting parents of newborns through the huge steps of the shift into Parenthood. This week it's all about PANDA... Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Awareness.
The organisation panda.org.au do an amazing job of bringing much needed awareness to this problem, and the support services they offer are exceptional. Interestingly, there are many unheard of statistics that relate to the stigma of anxiety and depression in this stage of your life.
Did you know:
Up to 1 in 3 Mums experience the birth of their baby as Traumatic
Up to 1 in 5 expecting or new mums will be affected by anxiety or depression
As many as 1 in 10 expecting or new dads will too
Across Australia, 100,000 families will be impacted each year
A significant number of Non-birth parents experience similar rates of mental illness.
I see this everyday in practice. The mums and dads coming in with the brave face of new parenthood. Wearing the mask that...
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